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Upper School Staff Meeting Rescheduled

Upper School Staff Meeting Rescheduled

January 30, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Upper School Teachers,

Our mandatory Staff Meeting will now take place on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 4-5 p.m. Please let me know if you need to update your Childcare Request Response or if you have a conflict with this meeting time.

Before our meeting on the 30th, there are a few topics that I’d like to mention here. Please read this to the end and let me know if you have any questions!

  1. End of First Semester

    1. Please get grades FINALIZED by the 25th. See the Communicator for details.

    2. Elective Teachers, please be prepared for next week and the start of the Performing Arts Classes (details in the Communicator). I had hoped to give you time to ask questions at the Staff Meeting, but instead please just reach out to me personally with any questions or concerns. I’m here to help!

    3. NATA Scripts will be sent to appropriate teachers within the week. I will be helping to cast each play, so please do not start that process without meeting with me first. But feel free to print scripts for students (or send an un-editable copy for them to print) and start with a table read.

  2. Second Semester Observations

    1. These will begin soon.

    2. This round of observations will be unannounced until the day of, when I will double check to make sure you don’t have a test planned.

  3. Shadowing Students

    1. You will begin to see prospective students shadowing in the next few weeks. We will discuss this further on the 30th, but please be aware that it may start before then.

    2. You will be given a feedback form from Mollie when you have a shadow student. Please return it to her that same day. See me if you have questions!

  4. Creative Writing Competition

    1. Do we have one of our Humanities teachers who would like to spearhead this semester’s Creative Writing Competition?  I will definitely help with the process, but if someone is excited to lead this, I’m happy to let him/her. 🙂

    2. If you are interested, let me know!

  5. Open Positions

    1. I’m sure you’ve seen the email about the positions opening up at the school this semester. Thank you in advance for your prayers for God to bring us just the right people and for sharing the openings with anyone who might be interested.

    2. We will also be looking for another math teacher at the Upper School for next year, as our sweet Becka Orr is moving to TN at the end of the school year! We will miss you Becka, but we are excited for what God has next for you and Connor! Friends, please be praying for the Orr’s transition and also put the word out to anyone you know who might be interested in this position!

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