Apologetics through the Works of C.S. Lewis

We are so excited to offer an extra special opportunity to our upcoming Seniors.

In 2023-2024, Veritas will welcome Mr. Ryan Bianchet into our midst, for a second year, to guide our students through a tailor made course designed to learn from the chief apologist of the 20th century.

I asked Mr. Bianchet to give a brief overview of what our students can expect with this course and this was his response.

“Our new course Apologetics through the Works of C.S. Lewis will take students on a survey of the study of Christian Apologetics specifically through the lens of C.S. Lewis’ inimitable collection of written works. The intention of this course is to carry on the legacy of C.S. Lewis, who effectively presented the Christian faith as an intellectually defensible worldview from which to experience reality. Our hope is to see students grow confident in the intellectual defensibility of their faith, so that they may not be tossed about in the waves of deceitful teachings (Eph 4:14) and establish a firm foundation from which to live their faith”.

Our hope is to see students grow confident in the intellectual defensibility of their faith, so that they may not be tossed about in the waves of deceitful teachings (Eph 4:14) and establish a firm foundation from which to live their faith.

~Ryan Bianchet