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The following are the seven guiding principles of Veritas and University-Model Schools.

  • Love and Glorify God: Veritas loves and glorifies God as He is revealed in the Holy Bible. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment (Matt. 22:37-38).
  • Help Make Disciples: Veritas aspires to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission given in Matthew 28:18-20. We encourage men, women, boys, and girls, in meaningful fellowship with their local churches, to be personal disciplined followers and public character witnesses of Jesus Christ everywhere they go.
  • Pursue Christ-Centered Community: Apart from the active presence and transforming power of Christ in the midst of His people, disciples cannot be made. Veritas recognizes Christ’s presence in our midst and humbly asks, seeks, knocks, and depends in faith upon Christ’s transforming power to move in the lives of students.
  • Affirm, Encourage, and Equip Parents: Veritas affirms, encourages, and equips parents in their God-given roles, opportunities, and responsibilities. Strong parent-child relationships are paramount in the Father’s design for the discipleship of youth. Veritas provides an educational model that provides more time for those relationships to flourish.
  • Educate with Excellence: Veritas educates with excellence in a Christ-centered environment. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Col. 3:23-24).
  • Integrate Home and School: Veritas integrates the home and school in age-appropriate ways throughout the curriculum and student activities. Veritas assists parents with the modern-day difficulties of preparing their children for college while at the same time recognizing the parents’ unique role in communicating faith and values.
  • Go Into All the World: God’s blessings are for the glory of His name and the enrichment of our world. As the community of Christ-followers experience God’s blessing, Veritas seeks to be about the business of sharing those blessings.