(7th - 12th)

Veritas Contact Info

2598 Liberty Rd
Lexington, KY, 40509


Tues - Thurs 8:40A.M. – 3:40P.M.

Special Event:
School Preview Day

An introduction to classical university-style education.

Two-day and three-day options

Review our tuition and fees for your grade level and number of days your child will attend


If you are in need of a high school transcript, please complete the following transcript form and return it to Mollie Cole at mollie.cole@veritaschristianky.org. Official high school transcripts may be purchased here.

7th - 12th Grades

Our Upper School program seeks first and foremost to bring honor to the LORD by focusing on heart formation and on the ability to evaluate and discern truth. We strive to develop students who love to learn and know how to establish grammatical foundations, develop intelligible principles, and communicate with compelling eloquence. Veritas Upper School follows an intentional progression from the Logic Stage through the Rhetoric stage of classical learning. Our senior class finishes out their career at Veritas with an Apologetics Course and a Senior Thesis Project, which serve as the capstone to our program. 

Our program features the following studies:

Christian Studies

Veritas follows yearly rotational family studies focusing on specific books of the Bible. All of our students, regardless of grade, work through the same passages throughout the year with an inductive study of God’s Word.

Logic & Rhetoric

Classical education follows a particular progression through the natural stages of learning, which are called the Trivium: Grammar Stage, Logic Stage, and Rhetoric Stage. Our Upper School houses the second part of the Logic Phase (grades 7-8) and the Rhetoric Phase (grades 9-12). 

Students in the Logic Phase are starting to ask “Why?” as they process the information they have taken in throughout the Grammar Stage. Questioning how and why things are the way they are is natural and good at this stage. These students want to understand more deeply, and we embrace this as we help guide them to truth. Formal Logic courses occur in grade 7 and 8, where our Logic students focus on thinking critically and logically while recognizing false arguments that lack truth. 

In the Rhetoric Stage students have the concepts and logic to critically analyze their own work and to persuade others. In this stage they are learning to apply knowledge and articulate answers to important questions with fact-based persuasion and defense against rebuttals. The skills of reasoning learned in the Logic Stage can now be applied. Students learn to communicate, defend, and argue with love and reverence. They practice the skill of a healthy disagreement and the art of writing with winsomeness and eloquence. Our goal is for our students to leave the halls of Veritas with a powerful ability to speak publicly without fear, to defend their faith, and to share truth with the world around them.


Veritas follows a unique writing program designed by veteran Veritas instructors and based upon a classical writing progression. This same progression of writing development has been followed for generations by scholars such as C.S. Lewis, Benjamin Franklin, and the Apostle Paul. Our program encourages writing across the curricula and develops communicators who can express and defend truth with confidence.

Our students participate in advanced grammar study up through the 8th grade year, after which they continue to practice these skills through writing across the curricula.

We foster the study and appreciation of classical literature as we search for goodness, truth, and beauty in great works, including The Odyssey, the Iliad, The Aeneid, The Confessions of St. Augustine, Pride & Prejudice, The Brothers Karamazov, A Tale of Two Cities, Animal Farm, Hamlet, Mere Christianity, and many others. Our students learn to wrestle with complex thoughts through lectures, in-class discussions, written responses, and formal Socratic Circles.


We endeavor to develop a sense of wonder at God’s creation through study, hands-on experiments, and application of the scientific method. 

We anchor our studies in texts that explore God’s creation from a biblically based worldview in the scientific fields of General Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, and Physics.


Students in the Upper School progress along one of three paths for their mathematical studies at Veritas, determined by both desire and ability. 

Seniors complete their journey with a Financial Literacy Math course, which focuses on foundational concepts and skills of personal finance.  


Foreign Language

Students in grades 7-8 continue the study of Latin grammar and vocabulary begun in the Grammar school. Learning Latin has been proven to be a critical part of classical learning and offers benefits such as: strengthening overall vocabulary, improving the understanding of the English language, developing critical thinking skills, providing a foundation for modern languages, and overall knowledge helpful in legal, scientific, and medical fields of study. We accomplish this through the use of translation, spoken Latin, memorization, and dramatic presentations.

Modern Foreign Languages are available in the high school years. This currently includes Spanish Immersion taught by a native speaker. 


Veritas students will encounter history with the intention of grasping perennial concepts and resolving ethical dilemmas. Our conceptual approach to history strives to foster intellectual engagement rather than passive receptivity to content. The content of our history curriculum in grades 7-8 includes training in Ancient History through the Reformation, while grades 9-12 will include training in World Civic History, U.S. History, Christendom, and ModernWorldviews.  

Electives & Performing Arts

Electives courses are offered in grades 9-12 and may include the following:

  • Art
  • Drama and Performing Arts
  • Debate
  • Life Skills
  • Typing and Computer Skills
  • Communications

Students up through 8th grade participate in Choir and will perform during special ceremonies, such as the Christmas and Resurrection Programs. 

We offer optional lessons in piano, strings, and guitar through private instructors who visit our campus on Wednesdays. 

Our Upper School also participates in a variety of dramatic presentations throughout the year including our Christmas and Resurrection Programs, as well as our school-wide Night at the Academy production. 

You can learn more about these programs on our School Life page.

Dual Enrollment

The Dual Enrollment Program begins in the second semester of the Sophomore year. For more information on this exciting opportunity, please visit our dual enrollment link.

*Not every course listed is taught each year. Please contact school for specific offerings per grade per year.