Episode 6: Grammar Part I – Understanding Grammar Foundations and Aims
Welcome back for this two-part series on Grammar. In Part I, Mr. Wes Mullins and Mr. Ryan Bianchet continue developing their argument for what is Classical education and exposit how one achieves the primary aim of Classical education–becoming a great orator.
The first step in the process is the mastery of Grammar education, so the hosts begin by defining Grammar and elucidating its role within the broader Classical framework. Mr. Bianchet uses the metaphor of one gathering building supplies for a house as that for the grammar aspect of our classical pedagogy. This requires repetition, memorization, and exposure to imaginative literature like fables and fairy tales; they must become familiar with the basics of both thinking and communicating. Far from being a lesser school in the Trivium, the Grammar School may be the most important of the three. We find it is extremely important to prime the students minds correctly so they can later master language and thought.
We hope you enjoy this two-part series, and please consider rating this podcast and subscribing so that you do not miss any episodes.