Episode 8 Logic I: Introduction to the Foundations and Aims

Following the house analogy that Mr. Bianchet and Mr. Mullins presented for the Grammar School, in being the collection of material, the Logic School is focused on equipping the skills to plan and frame the rough construction. It is learning to assemble the bones and undergirding of what will become a beautiful dwelling place. If you’ve ever seen a house being built, they pour the foundation and then build what seems to be a stick house that has the shape and essence of a house but lacks the finished look. This is the same process required to build something linguistically. The construction workers must know how to create solid foundations, connect joints, secure headers, properly place load bearing walls, etc. to make sure that the house does not wind up a pile of busted lumber. We want to ensure that our students do not create ideas and thoughts that are so easily crushed by the heavy weight of critique and reality. Make no doubt, these proper construction techniques can only be acquired in the crucible of repetition and discipline; they must be forged not intuited.
The Logic School is grades 6th through 8th, and it is where our students begin to hone English grammar skills, essay writing skills, and formal/informal logic skills. These are the proper tools required to make one a great orator who can both write and speak well. It is an extremely important part of the classical education because it is here that the student begins to be intentional about what they are doing and why. https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/63707120/download.mp3